I assist adult clients in seeing how their past could be affecting them in their present life. We work together to identify schemas and heal the wounds that have become emotional hindrances and relationship barriers. Additionally, I believe that relational issues can often begin or be perpetuated by differences in temperament/personality and unhealthy boundaries. I see great value in helping others learn to interact and deal with conflict more effectively and find hope no matter how hopeless they may feel. Ultimately, I help people identify their values, uncover their core/authentic self, and gain the courage to live congruently. I use a person-centered and systems approach, interwoven with a personality typology framework. The modalities I primarily use are IFS (Internal Family Systems) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).


Individual Counseling & Psychotherapy

  • Anxiety

  • Toxic Relationships

  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

  • Personality Typology-MBTI & Enneagram

    • Increase Self-Awareness: strengths, core needs, motivation, defense mechanisms

    • Improve Functionality: stress management, team dynamics

    • Enhance Connection: empathy, understanding, see value in other personalities

    • Career Exploration

  • Trauma

  • Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating

    • Intuitive Eating

    • HAES (Health at Every Size)

  • Self-Esteem & Identity Building

    • Skill Building

    • Communication

    • Conflict Management

    • Assertiveness Training


“Be with someone who feels like FREEDOM and LOVES you without chains.”

— JM Storm