
Personality typology has been my passion for over 20 years and the Enneagram is my favorite tool for personal growth.

Discovering and learning about your Enneagram type can be an incredibly valuable and transformative experience. Here are a few compelling reasons why someone should explore their Enneagram type:

Self-Awareness: Understanding your Enneagram type provides deep insights into your core motivations, fears, desires, and patterns of behavior. It offers a comprehensive framework to develop a greater understanding of yourself, your strengths, and your blind spots. This self-awareness is a catalyst for personal growth and empowers you to make conscious choices aligned with your true self.

Emotional Intelligence: The Enneagram sheds light on your emotional patterns, helping you identify and navigate your emotions with greater clarity and understanding. By understanding your Enneagram type, you can gain insight into how your emotions influence your thoughts, actions, and relationships. This heightened emotional intelligence supports more authentic connections and effective communication.

Relationship Enhancement: Learning about the Enneagram types of your loved ones, friends, and colleagues opens the door to deeper understanding and empathy. It provides a roadmap to comprehend their perspectives, communication styles, and motivations. This newfound understanding fosters more harmonious relationships, improved communication, and strengthened connections.

Personal Growth: The Enneagram serves as a guide for personal development and transformation. By identifying your Enneagram type, you uncover specific growth areas and pathways for positive change. It offers practical tools and strategies to break free from self-limiting patterns, overcome challenges, and cultivate healthier behaviors. Embracing your Enneagram type can unlock your full potential and lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Compassion and Acceptance: The Enneagram fosters compassion and acceptance, both towards yourself and others. It reveals that each Enneagram type has unique strengths, struggles, and perspectives. By recognizing the diversity of human experience and embracing the inherent strengths and limitations of each type, you can cultivate a more compassionate and inclusive mindset.

“The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box. It shows you the box you're already in and how to get out of it.” — Ian Morgan Cron

If you would like to identify and learn more about your Enneagram type, reach out to me! As an Accredited Enneagram Practitioner, I’d love to go through the process of self-discovery with you.

Enneagram Therapy vs Enneagram Coaching

Enneagram therapy and Enneagram coaching are two different approaches that utilize the Enneagram system for personal growth and development. Here are some key differences between the two:

Enneagram Therapy:

  1. Focus: Enneagram therapy primarily focuses on addressing psychological, emotional, and relational challenges. It delves into deep-rooted patterns, traumas, and unresolved issues that may be influencing an individual's well-being and relationships.

  2. Therapeutic Setting: Enneagram therapy is typically conducted within a therapeutic setting, such as individual therapy, couples therapy, or group therapy. It involves a therapeutic relationship between a trained therapist and the client, where the therapist guides the individual through the therapeutic process using the Enneagram as a tool.

  3. Clinical Expertise: Enneagram therapists often have a background in psychotherapy or counseling and are trained to address mental health concerns. They have a deep understanding of psychological theories and therapeutic techniques, in addition to their knowledge of the Enneagram system.

  4. Healing and Transformation: Enneagram therapy focuses on healing wounds, resolving emotional blockages, and fostering personal transformation. It aims to facilitate lasting change by integrating Enneagram insights with therapeutic interventions and techniques tailored to the individual's needs.

Enneagram Coaching:

  1. Focus: Enneagram coaching primarily focuses on personal and professional development, goal setting, and achieving desired outcomes. It emphasizes leveraging Enneagram insights to enhance self-awareness, improve performance, and navigate challenges in various areas of life.

  2. Coaching Relationship: Enneagram coaching involves a coaching relationship between a trained Enneagram coach and the client. The coach provides guidance, support, and accountability to help individuals identify and work towards their goals using the Enneagram framework.

  3. Strengths and Potential: Enneagram coaching emphasizes identifying and utilizing an individual's strengths, talents, and unique potential. It explores how the Enneagram can be leveraged to optimize personal and professional growth, enhance communication, and maximize effectiveness.

  4. Action and Accountability: Enneagram coaching focuses on action-oriented strategies, goal-setting, and implementing positive change. The coach supports the client in creating and executing action plans, providing accountability and support along the way.

It's important to note that there can be overlap between therapy and coaching, and I will integrate both with a therapy client, depending on their needs. Ultimately, the choice between Enneagram therapy and coaching depends on the individual's goals, the nature of the challenges they are facing, and their preferences regarding the therapeutic or coaching process. Please indicate if you would like to utilize the Enneagram for therapy or coaching before scheduling.